I Drone On, and On…

I was shocked to hear that Colorado did not receive one of the coveted six designated drone testing sites.

Boo hoo.

Seriously.  Boo hoo.  Because I had already resigned myself to the fact that Harriet Alexander Field would be a future home to drone testing — and all that encompasses — an economic boon of a perhaps a dozen newbies coming to town to learn how to be drone fly-boys, along with their techies.

So I considered what I could do to find comfort in my foregone conclusion that drones were destined to become part of our local space-scape.  Voila!  I came up with the perfect remedy to my distress.  I invented the Pet Drone.

Yes!  A Plush Pet Drone!  It was to be made of soft fuzzy material and stuffed with Fiberfill. I already priced the materials at The Fringe.  It was to have button eyes.

My trusty sewing machine was up to the task. Once created, I planned to take my Pet Drone with me everywhere.  I would take it to BoCC meetings, and City Council meetings. I would stroke it whenever I felt stressed. I would be comforted knowing that it followed me everywhere. I even already had a name for it: Dizzy Drone.


And, yes. I would even sleep with it.

But alas, I won’t be sewing Dizzy Drone after all, because Colorado didn’t make the grade.


Cynda Green

Cynda Green is an investigative reporter, writer, and photographer based out of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. She may be contacted at cyndagreen@gmail.com.

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