OPINION: Standing Rock Standoff… A Personal Perspective, Part Two
“We are waiting for tribal elders to process this and give us direction. Tribal elders discuss this among themselves and move slowly and deliberately and peacefully and prayerfully…”
Photographer/writer: Pagosa Springs, Colorado
“We are waiting for tribal elders to process this and give us direction. Tribal elders discuss this among themselves and move slowly and deliberately and peacefully and prayerfully…”
The reply was, “Yeah, we’re just holding space. What we want to see is press that shows the imbalance of power here…”
“Mni Wiconi” is the Lakota phrase for “water is life.” Lakota is native for Sioux. Mni Wiconi is the greeting of choice at the Oceti Sakowin Camp in Cannon Ball, North Dakota. I know...
I was fortunate to first interview the children in the African Children’s Choir, and then to see their performance at the Living Waters Church in Salida last Sunday. My expectations were high, but the...
Cynda: Okay, I think we’ve covered your favorite food. Can any of you tell a joke?
Note: This opinion piece was intended for the Pagosa Daily Post, but editor Bill Hudson felt that he could not publish it because I was attacking Peter Miesler and because I sound too angry....
Cathy and Bob Nicholls graciously opened their home to host a meet and greet for Chaffee County commissioner candidate Greg Felt….
It may sound warm and fuzzy to call ColoradoCare the people’s health care co-op, but it’s big government without any legislative oversight, and it doubles the Colorado state budget.
There’s a lot of half-truths and misinformation presented and published on Amendment 69/ColoradoCare…
According to the proponents of Amendment 69/ColoradoCare, 20% of Coloradans will be negatively impacted by the additional 10% ColoradoCare tax, and will pay more for health care than they currently pay… if the voters...