America was attacked this morning in Orlando

America was attacked this morning in Orlando.

Yesterday was a pleasant Saturday that began with a walk in the woods with my dog Bodie, the 10th annual Pagosa Car Show, and ended with live music at three different venues.

This morning all of that changed when I learned of the atrocity that occurred at Pulse, a gay Orlando nightclub, where a terrorist gunman killed 50 patrons and injured 50 more, some critically.

My heart is broken. This was an act of terror and an act of hate.

Why must there be so much hate in the world? Hate that is so strong that the haters feel justified in gunning down innocents, just because they are different?

This particular hate crime, specifically targeting gays, feels more onerous than other Islamic terrorist hate crimes because not only were those at Pulse Nightclub targeted for being American, but also because they are gay. It’s two arrows that have wounded my heart, and the heart of America.

I don’t know how express my sorrow to my gay friends, accept to say that today I hold our friendship, or even acquaintanceship closer to my heart. I value all that you are. You rank among the most talented and giving humans that I have ever known. And I want to thank you for all that you give the world, including my world as a patron of theater.

You are so much more special than I am, and I love you for that.

Cynda Green

Cynda Green is an investigative reporter, writer, and photographer based out of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. She may be contacted at

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